
Brightstar specializes in business development in France and internationally. We assist international companies to grow their business in France and French companies to increase their domestic and foreign development.

Almost 6000 start up in Israel

According to the French group Keyrus, and its business accelerator Keyrus innovation factory, Tel-Aviv occupies the sixth position in the world in terms of start-up ecosystems and Israel the third place in terms of start-up companies listed on Nasdaq, behind China and the United States. With 5,840 start-ups identified, the country has a start-up for 1,400 inhabitants, the largest ratio in the world. While the world average is 2%, Israeli companies spend the equivalent of 4.11% of national GDP in R & D (Research and Development) and rank second behind South Korea and its 4.29% . Brightstar successfully accompanies the development of several Israeli start-ups in France.